Tips — Robin Ruth Design

“Flower Go Round” Kits and Patterns available for preorder now!

Robin Ruth Design

Where Will Your Compass Take You?

Kaleido Rose - Succulent Garden Version

This quilt is made using my Kaleido Rose Pattern (scroll down the page for info on my Kaleido Rose Pattern) and the Fat Robin 16-Point Book/Ruler Combo. This version features the Cedar West Misty and Dappled fabric collections from Clothworks that will be out in summer 2021!

Kaleido Rose Variation.png
Succulent Version Kaleido Rose Cover.png

Click on the Kaleido Rose pattern below to be directed to my Shop page and more info about this pattern.

Morris Menagerie pattern Plum version yardage!

Morris Menagerie Cover Plum.png

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This is my “Chrysalis” version quilt made using my “Living Large Sunflower” pattern. Click on the button below to get yardage and fussy cutting info for making this quilt using the “Chysalis” fabric collection by FreeSpirit fabrics.

Line Drawing Blocks to Color

Tips for Lefties

Seems like I am getting more and more questions about tips for using my ruler and method for lefties!  
I put together a little handout (link below) that gives tips and some edited instructions from the Skinny Robin 45˚ and Fat Robin 60˚ Books.  
This handout is also available on my website under the TIPS tab.

My best tip is to
turn the book upside down when you are looking at the illustrations.

My best student (my Mom) is left handed, so this is what she tells me works the best.  Students in my classes have been doing this, and it seems to work pretty well for most folks.

Compass Chameleon Booklet

For my Spring 2018 Schoolhouse presentation, I gave out this booklet which shows some of my best and most basic patterns in other fabric options. I was trying to show folks that no matter if you are traditional or modern, or somewhere in between, there is a compass project that suits you!

Block Finishing Tips

Info for making faced circle centers, and for finishing your raw compass blocks into your background including instructions for both appliqué and for sewing your block into a square.

How to make  ‘Round’ Sunflowers

16-Point and 32-Point  

Instructions for making raw Sunflower blocks without the protruding points. This method allows you to make raw Sunflower blocks that are more round - like the raw Compass and raw Compass Sunflower blocks - which you would finish into a circle for appliquéing onto your background or sewing into your background.

Copyright  2015-2025 Robin Ruth Design LLC