Robin Ruth Design

Where Will Your Compass Take You?

Fun in Arizona

Still down south visiting my parents at Wickenburg, AZ.  They come down here for a few months in the winter where my Dad likes to team rope.

Cowboy Bill

Cowboy Bill

Mom and I like to take side trips around the area.  One day we went to Prescott and visited one of our favorite quilts shops called Seams Sew Right.

Seams Sew Right Quilt Studio

Seams Sew Right Quilt Studio

Fun fabric I bought!

Fun fabric I bought!

And yesterday we went down to the Tuscon area for a craft show and to visit our very favorite pottery artist, Don Swanson.

At the craft fair.

At the craft fair.

Bought a purse from this leather artist from Four Winds West.

Bought a purse from this leather artist from Four Winds West.

Mugs we bought from Don Swanson.  A new quilt in the background that I am working on called "Compass Roses". 

Mugs we bought from Don Swanson.  A new quilt in the background that I am working on called "Compass Roses".


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