Robin Ruth Design

Where Will Your Compass Take You?

Fat Robin 16-Point Mariner's Compass Book and Ruler Combo

Fat Robin Combo Cover.png
Fat RobinRuler Small.png
Circle Sheet Fat.jpg
Fat Compass Sunflower.jpg
Fat Sunflower.jpg
OctaCompasses Fat.png
Fat Robin Combo Cover.png
Fat RobinRuler Small.png
Circle Sheet Fat.jpg
Fat Compass Sunflower.jpg
Fat Sunflower.jpg
OctaCompasses Fat.png

Fat Robin 16-Point Mariner's Compass Book and Ruler Combo


This ruler and book combo includes the template sheet and all of the instructions from the original Fat Robin 60˚ Mariner’s Compass Book, the Fat Robin Companion Booklet, and the Fat Robin portion of the OctaCompasses pattern for ‘no circle’ finishing. Now all of the information for any 16-point Fat Robin compass block or variation is all in one place! Three quilt patterns included!

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